How To Use Your Gas Airsoft Pistol In The Cold

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How To Use Your Gas Airsoft Pistol In The Cold
Category: How To

Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistols (BB Guns) are, what can only politely be described as, awful during the winter months. When the temperature drops, so does their performance and reliability…

The Science

The reason gas pistols are less efficient during the winter is to do with the “vapour pressure” of the gas. Due to being under high pressure, the airsoft gas you put in a magazine is in a liquid state. When you fill the magazine you’re filling it with the liquid “gas” until the pressures in the bottle and the magazine become equal. Now, you have liquid in your magazine and the liquid evaporates to fill any space left in the magazine with gas. The pressure of this gas is determined by its temperature. The lower the temperature, the lower the pressure of the vapour above the liquid.

What does this mean?

Well put simply, you need pressure to be able to operate the gas blowback and to propel the BBs. The effect is like turning down the pressure in the pistol. There’s simply not enough pressure to operate the whole action.

What can you do about it?

To combat the effects of the cold, there are a few different options, all of them revolve around simply increasing the pressure (or changing the vapour point) through choosing a different kind of propellant.

Higher Pressure Gas

The first and easiest method is to simply find a different gas. For instance, if your airsoft pistol is struggling to operate in sub 10 degree climates whilst using Abbey’s Ultra Gas, you can try a higher pressure gas, like the Abbey Vertex Gas. This brings the pressure up in cold conditions to a more usable temperature.

Co2 Magazine

Alternatively, you could swap to a much higher pressure gas like Co2. Co2 guns work just fine in the winter due to the incredibly high pressure that Co2 is stored under. However, it’s not as simple as saying “just use Co2”. The gas is much more powerful (due to the high pressure) and will increase your FPS and requires a different magazine available from our accessories section of our website.

Another Problem with the Cold

Cold doesn’t just affect the gas used in your airsoft pistol but affects the actual airsoft pistols themselves. Metal shrinks in the cold, tightening up tolerances and causing more friction. Liquids become more viscous, meaning lubricants aren’t as effective and provide more resistance. Plastics become brittle and fragile.

Overall, your airsoft pistol, if not prepared properly can be a bit of a time-bomb waiting to fail and disappoint when you need it.

Be sure to upgrade your weapon with high quality, weather-resistant parts to resist the cold and lubricate with a light viscosity oil in preparation.

We recommend the Abbey Silicone Gun Oil for all blowback Pistols!

Mark’s Tips

  • In cold weather keep your mags warm, I know this is easier said than done. However, here are a few tips to try
  • Place outdoor hand warming packs in your mag pouches or in a large pocket where you keep your magazines
  • Wrap tape around the pistol grip to keep it warm and keep your pistol in a warm bag or box when not in use
  • Always keep your pistol in a fabric holster during a game to try and keep it as warm as possible
  • If using your pistol at home, place your pistol and magazine on a warm radiator before shooting

If you have any questions about airsoft guns please contact us at Just BB Guns.

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