Airsoft Skirmish and Covid-19 Safety Measures

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Airsoft Skirmish and Covid-19 Safety Measures
Category: Tips


With the incredible rollout of the vaccination program, the UK is now emerging from a very long time in lockdown. As many of us are chomping at the bit to grab our Airsoft Guns get back to skirmishing, and sites are now open or have opening dates published, it’s not going to be long before we will be back in combat. With this in mind, we have put a list of recommendations to keep you and your fellow players safe.  These are just recommendations from Just BB Guns and may not be enforced by your club or site, always see their website for current guidelines.

  • If anyone in your household or anyone with whom you have had recent contact has any symptoms of Covid-19 such as new persistent cough, high temperature, loss of taste and/or smell we ask that you DO NOT ATTEND.
  • Please only travel with others from a different household if government guidelines allow you to do so.
  • We encourage all players to wash and/or sanitise their hands in keeping with government guidelines.
  • Events should only have a maximum number of 30 players.
  • In keeping with government guidelines, if necessary sites should pass on player and staff details to NHS Track/Test and Trace.
  • Any player who tests positive for COVID-19 after their visit must let the Airsoft site know immediately.
  • Ticket prices may increase while sites run at reduced levels.
  • Pre-booking online via our websites only. Sites should not accept anyone who just turns up on the day.
  • Players must bring their own face protection.
  • There should be no food or drink available and this should include free tea and coffee.
  • Players must maintain a 2-metre social distance. If this is not possible then please maintain 1+ metre as per government guidelines.
  • All players and staff should wear full-face protection and gloves as much as possible.
  • No props should be used in games to reduce contamination and aim to keep in play as much as possible.

Please see your airsoft skirmish sites website for their latest information.

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