A Guide to Airsoft Brands – One of the best problems with Airsoft Guns and BB Guns is the sheer number of manufacturers there are. Either they are specialising in bringing specific designs to market or focused on bringing a range of setups and guns, either at great prices or with high performance and occasionally both. In this article, we take a look at another set of airsoft manufacturers and brands and uncover what they are all about.
Often overlooked, SRC are a company based in Taiwan. They mainly produce affordable replicas along with the occasional upper-end model. For the most part, their productions result in very playable and durable guns. They are also pretty plentiful with their parts and upgrade manufacturing, with loads of add-ons and accessories available. At Just BB Guns, we love SRC and recommend their guns to both new and advanced players who have overlooked this brand.
G&G is a company with a good chunk of experience within the firearm and airsoft world. Initially started as Guay Guay Trading Co. in Taiwan, the company evolved to become a leader in the airsoft community. They have a vast product catalogue, ranging from some of the best-made budget guns available to top-notch weapon accessories. Their website has a fantastic database that includes most of their current production and is an excellent place for checking out specs and photos. They also offer manuals and exploded diagrams of their weapons for people looking to repair or upgrade them. Unfortunately, this added value is rare in the airsoft community, as many companies have fewer resources than G&G.
Established in 1999, the company started out by producing BBs following the market demand for quality at a low price; they then moved on to AEG airsoft weapon systems. Most of the brands’ products are manufactured in Taiwan and are a perfect example of a midrange manufacturer of low-cost good quality guns. The prices are always reasonable, and products are good quality; these are ideal for newer airsofters!
Thank you for reading this blog, and we hope that you were well informed. We will be releasing more blogs about airsoft brands in the future.
If you have any questions about this blog, please do contact us at Just BB Guns.
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