If you are 18 years of age or over you can buy a two-tone Airsoft BB Gun, one which PRINCIPLE COLOUR is significantly different from that of a real firearm i.e. bright orange, green, blue, clear etc.
There is no age restriction to own or to operate an Airsoft gun or pistol. It is within the law for a person that is 18 years or over to purchase a two-tone Airsoft gun or pistol and gift it to a person that is under the age of 18 years of age to own and operate. So, a parent can buy a two-tone airsoft gun or pistol and give it to their child to use or keep regardless of their age. We recommend that an adult should supervise persons under the age of 14 years.
Since October 2007 you can only buy a realistic imitation firearm (one that looks like a real gun i.e. black, tan, gold or silver) if you are at least 18 years old and meet one of the following conditions.
You are a REGISTERED airsofter with a membership of an insured skirmish site. To be registered you must attend a properly organised and insured airsoft site and play for at least three days over a period of not less than two months. Even if you attend and play the three days in your first week, UK Law requires that two months pass from the first day attended before you can legally be registered.
If you cannot meet any of these criteria, you can still buy an imitation firearm, one which PRINCIPLE COLOUR is significantly different from that of a real firearm – i.e. bright orange, green, blue, clear etc.
WARNING: The Manufacturer or Retailer shall NOT be held responsible or liable for any consequential, direct or indirect or special loss, damage, injury or accidents caused by the use of the products that are purchased. In ALL cases the purchaser or user assumes full responsibility and all risk associated with the use of our products.